
發(fā)表時(shí)間:2020-06-23 14:27作者:TESCAN 中國(guó)





1.       He Peng, Zhou Jiushun, DingGuqiao*, et al. Electrochemically modified graphite for fast preparation oflarge-sized graphene oxide[J]. JournalOf Colloid And Interface Science, 2019, 542: 387-391.

2.       Tang Huixia, He Peng, DingGuqiao*, et al. Electrochemical method for large size and few-layeredwater-dispersible graphene[J]. Carbon,2019, 143: 559-563.

3.       Huang Tao, He Peng, Ding Guqiao*,et al. Porous Graphene Fibers for Wearable and Highly Sensitive Strain Sensors[J].Advanced Functional Materials, 2019,Under Review.

4.       Li Jiurong, Yang Siwei, Wang Gang,Ding Guqiao*, et al. Seed-Initiated Synthesis and Tunable Doping Graphene forHigh-performance Photodetectors[J]. AdvancedMaterials, 2019, Submitted.

5.       Zhang Penglei, He Peng, DingGuqiao, et al. A novel electrochemical method for preparing high qualitygraphene. Nature Communication, 2019,to be submitted.

6.       Anli Xua, Peng He, Gang Wang,Da Chen, Siwei Yang, Ding Guqiao*, et al. Cyclotriphosphazene Doped GrapheneQuantum Dots for the Long-acting Evaluate of Intracellular Reactive Oxygen Speciesand Tumor Detection[J]. AdvancedFunctional Materials, 2019, Submitted.

7.       Cao Ziyang, He Peng, DingGuqiao, Wang Xianying, et al. AgNPs/water-dispersible graphene Membrane forSurface Enhanced Raman Scattering[J]. AdvancedFunctional Materials, 2019, to be submitted.

8.       Zhou Jiushun, He Peng, DingGuqiao*, et al. Rapid Pre-treatment of Graphite for Preparation of UltralargeSize Graphene Oxide[J]. Chemistry ofMaterials, 2019, to be submitted.

9.       Duan Pu, He Peng, Ding Guqiao*,et al. Temperature-controlled preparation of porous graphene by electrochemicalexfoliation method[J]. Chemistry ofMaterials, 2019, to be submitted.

10.   Wang Zihao, Yang Siwei, ChenDa, Wan Gang g, Ding Guqiao*, et al. Yellow Emission Nitrogen-doped GrapheneQuantum Dots for Highly Sensitive Detection of Fe3+ Ions[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,2019, Submitted, to be submitted.

11.   Hu Xurui, Li Jiurong, Wang Gang,Ding Guqiao*, et al. Seeding promoter in doped graphene growth by chemicalvapor deposition[J]. Applied PhysicsLetters, 2019, Submitted.

12.   Wang Gang, Hu Xurui, DingGuqiao*, et al. Transfer-free and Layer-tunable Graphene Synthesis on anArbitrary Substrate[J]. Carbon,2019, Submitted.

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